Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2023
Generated 01-Dec-2023 06:25 EET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2023
Total Hits 4669
Total Files 3473
Total Pages 3323
Total Visits 1501
Total kB Files 10307
Total Unique Sites 1168
Total Unique URLs 272
Total Unique Referrers 48
Total Unique User Agents 44
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 6 220
Hits per Day 155 661
Files per Day 115 564
Pages per Day 110 522
Sites per Day 38 143
Visits per Day 50 148
kB Files per Day 344 1035
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 74.38% 3473
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.28% 13
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.58% 27
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.96% 45
Code 404 - Not Found 22.51% 1051
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 1.29% 60

Daily usage for November 2023

Daily Statistics for November 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F
1 357 7.65% 309 8.90% 287 8.64% 144 9.59% 143 12.24% 663 6.43%
2 661 14.16% 564 16.24% 522 15.71% 140 9.33% 130 11.13% 1035 10.04%
3 309 6.62% 243 7.00% 213 6.41% 64 4.26% 81 6.93% 585 5.67%
4 476 10.19% 387 11.14% 379 11.41% 71 4.73% 57 4.88% 832 8.07%
5 63 1.35% 37 1.07% 36 1.08% 26 1.73% 36 3.08% 335 3.25%
6 70 1.50% 47 1.35% 32 0.96% 31 2.07% 47 4.02% 270 2.62%
7 280 6.00% 246 7.08% 225 6.77% 35 2.33% 40 3.42% 745 7.22%
8 197 4.22% 162 4.66% 144 4.33% 46 3.06% 62 5.31% 372 3.61%
9 170 3.64% 122 3.51% 115 3.46% 109 7.26% 117 10.02% 425 4.12%
10 46 0.99% 26 0.75% 26 0.78% 24 1.60% 38 3.25% 85 0.82%
11 40 0.86% 19 0.55% 20 0.60% 16 1.07% 24 2.05% 62 0.60%
12 71 1.52% 40 1.15% 31 0.93% 29 1.93% 46 3.94% 313 3.04%
13 68 1.46% 38 1.09% 40 1.20% 31 2.07% 50 4.28% 113 1.10%
14 75 1.61% 49 1.41% 33 0.99% 29 1.93% 47 4.02% 319 3.10%
15 74 1.58% 34 0.98% 50 1.50% 32 2.13% 39 3.34% 184 1.78%
16 72 1.54% 56 1.61% 51 1.53% 43 2.86% 55 4.71% 515 5.00%
17 84 1.80% 53 1.53% 51 1.53% 45 3.00% 61 5.22% 139 1.35%
18 67 1.43% 45 1.30% 37 1.11% 33 2.20% 49 4.20% 660 6.40%
19 41 0.88% 24 0.69% 22 0.66% 22 1.47% 38 3.25% 59 0.58%
20 45 0.96% 23 0.66% 22 0.66% 19 1.27% 33 2.83% 79 0.77%
21 203 4.35% 178 5.13% 149 4.48% 29 1.93% 44 3.77% 552 5.35%
22 382 8.18% 258 7.43% 267 8.03% 148 9.86% 120 10.27% 579 5.62%
23 145 3.11% 104 2.99% 99 2.98% 92 6.13% 97 8.30% 293 2.85%
24 274 5.87% 164 4.72% 200 6.02% 50 3.33% 63 5.39% 445 4.32%
25 69 1.48% 50 1.44% 49 1.47% 43 2.86% 57 4.88% 123 1.19%
26 40 0.86% 18 0.52% 20 0.60% 17 1.13% 36 3.08% 57 0.56%
27 64 1.37% 37 1.07% 42 1.26% 39 2.60% 52 4.45% 99 0.96%
28 57 1.22% 32 0.92% 32 0.96% 30 2.00% 48 4.11% 114 1.11%
29 107 2.29% 77 2.22% 84 2.53% 31 2.07% 46 3.94% 160 1.55%
30 62 1.33% 31 0.89% 45 1.35% 33 2.20% 37 3.17% 96 0.93%

Hourly usage for November 2023

Hourly Statistics for November 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 5 153 3.28% 4 128 3.69% 3 108 3.25% 9 280 2.72%
1 9 285 6.10% 8 243 7.00% 7 227 6.83% 18 534 5.18%
2 4 130 2.78% 3 91 2.62% 2 73 2.20% 15 454 4.40%
3 5 169 3.62% 3 117 3.37% 3 104 3.13% 14 425 4.12%
4 9 288 6.17% 8 240 6.91% 7 217 6.53% 16 467 4.53%
5 11 351 7.52% 9 271 7.80% 10 302 9.09% 18 525 5.10%
6 6 195 4.18% 4 129 3.71% 4 129 3.88% 16 484 4.70%
7 10 317 6.79% 9 283 8.15% 9 272 8.19% 20 606 5.88%
8 9 271 5.80% 4 139 4.00% 4 139 4.18% 16 472 4.58%
9 5 157 3.36% 3 114 3.28% 3 100 3.01% 10 303 2.94%
10 5 153 3.28% 3 114 3.28% 3 105 3.16% 15 451 4.37%
11 10 306 6.55% 7 239 6.88% 7 229 6.89% 19 562 5.45%
12 4 148 3.17% 3 101 2.91% 3 97 2.92% 10 309 3.00%
13 4 120 2.57% 3 98 2.82% 2 82 2.47% 12 373 3.62%
14 4 122 2.61% 3 91 2.62% 2 88 2.65% 13 400 3.88%
15 6 181 3.88% 4 127 3.66% 4 122 3.67% 20 595 5.78%
16 5 156 3.34% 2 62 1.79% 2 86 2.59% 9 260 2.53%
17 4 141 3.02% 3 101 2.91% 3 90 2.71% 13 387 3.76%
18 3 112 2.40% 3 92 2.65% 2 77 2.32% 8 244 2.37%
19 7 224 4.80% 6 182 5.24% 5 162 4.88% 18 533 5.18%
20 7 232 4.97% 6 192 5.53% 6 185 5.57% 13 394 3.82%
21 3 110 2.36% 2 84 2.42% 2 80 2.41% 22 656 6.37%
22 2 81 1.73% 1 50 1.44% 1 46 1.38% 5 149 1.44%
23 8 267 5.72% 6 185 5.33% 6 203 6.11% 15 440 4.27%

Top 30 of 272 Total URLs
# Hits kB F URL
1 239 5.12% 601 5.83% /
2 87 1.86% 117 1.13% /temppikuvia/
3 72 1.54% 90 0.87% /hallitus-img/
4 64 1.37% 72 0.70% /yhteystiedot.html
5 63 1.35% 42 0.41% /lista-arkisto/
6 51 1.09% 34 0.33% /muf/
7 36 0.77% 73 0.71% /hallitus.shtml
8 26 0.56% 90 0.88% /info.shtml
9 25 0.54% 59 0.57% /keskustelualueet.shtml
10 24 0.51% 41 0.40% /tulevattapahtumat.shtml
11 21 0.45% 83 0.80% /saannot.shtml
12 19 0.41% 42 0.41% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-April/000021.html
13 19 0.41% 21 0.21% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2005-September/author.html
14 19 0.41% 51 0.49% /new_jinsei/happening.html
15 18 0.39% 74 0.72% /kartta.shtml
16 18 0.39% 19 0.18% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-June/author.html
17 18 0.39% 22 0.21% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-November/thread.html
18 18 0.39% 18 0.18% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2005-September/subject.html
19 17 0.36% 44 0.43% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-April/000018.html
20 17 0.36% 29 0.29% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-April/000020.html
21 17 0.36% 19 0.18% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-April/author.html
22 17 0.36% 19 0.18% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-April/date.html
23 17 0.36% 29 0.28% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-August/000042.html
24 17 0.36% 45 0.44% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-August/000043.html
25 17 0.36% 26 0.25% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-July/000036.html
26 17 0.36% 19 0.19% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-July/date.html
27 17 0.36% 19 0.18% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-June/date.html
28 17 0.36% 18 0.18% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-March/author.html
29 17 0.36% 25 0.24% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-May/000027.html
30 17 0.36% 21 0.20% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-May/thread.html

Top 10 of 272 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F URL
1 239 5.12% 601 5.83% /
2 2 0.04% 195 1.89% /nipporiII_juliste_web.pdf
3 2 0.04% 135 1.31% /temppikuvia/JLupalappu.pdf
4 87 1.86% 117 1.13% /temppikuvia/
5 17 0.36% 93 0.91% /new_jinsei/happening_history.html
6 26 0.56% 90 0.88% /info.shtml
7 72 1.54% 90 0.87% /hallitus-img/
8 12 0.26% 86 0.83% /new_jinsei/register.php
9 21 0.45% 83 0.80% /saannot.shtml
10 18 0.39% 74 0.72% /kartta.shtml

Top 10 of 213 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 239 5.12% 210 14.88% /
2 64 1.37% 37 2.62% /yhteystiedot.html
3 87 1.86% 33 2.34% /temppikuvia/
4 63 1.35% 31 2.20% /lista-arkisto/
5 72 1.54% 29 2.06% /hallitus-img/
6 51 1.09% 23 1.63% /muf/
7 12 0.26% 20 1.42% /new_jinsei/
8 19 0.41% 12 0.85% /new_jinsei/happening.html
9 19 0.41% 11 0.78% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2005-September/author.html
10 19 0.41% 10 0.71% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-April/000021.html

Top 10 of 210 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 239 5.12% 200 14.04% /
2 64 1.37% 49 3.44% /yhteystiedot.html
3 87 1.86% 34 2.39% /temppikuvia/
4 72 1.54% 30 2.11% /hallitus-img/
5 63 1.35% 25 1.75% /lista-arkisto/
6 51 1.09% 22 1.54% /muf/
7 11 0.24% 18 1.26% /new_jinsei/admin/news/
8 17 0.36% 11 0.77% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2004-July/000036.html
9 17 0.36% 11 0.77% /lista-arkisto/jinsei-info/2005-August/000089.html
10 12 0.26% 11 0.77% /new_jinsei/

Top 30 of 1168 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 444 9.51% 388 11.17% 701 6.81% 29 1.93%
2 415 8.89% 375 10.80% 659 6.40% 28 1.87%
3 389 8.33% 342 9.85% 633 6.14% 31 2.07%
4 324 6.94% 269 7.75% 511 4.96% 9 0.60%
5 142 3.04% 127 3.66% 227 2.20% 16 1.07%
6 127 2.72% 54 1.55% 327 3.17% 53 3.53%
7 114 2.44% 102 2.94% 180 1.74% 16 1.07%
8 112 2.40% 96 2.76% 182 1.76% 12 0.80%
9 80 1.71% 0 0.00% 126 1.22% 1 0.07%
10 64 1.37% 0 0.00% 95 0.92% 1 0.07%
11 30 0.64% 29 0.84% 45 0.44% 1 0.07%
12 23 0.49% 12 0.35% 38 0.37% 8 0.53%
13 15 0.32% 14 0.40% 175 1.70% 0 0.00%
14 15 0.32% 15 0.43% 391 3.79% 5 0.33%
15 12 0.26% 6 0.17% 23 0.23% 2 0.13%
16 11 0.24% 6 0.17% 20 0.19% 6 0.40%
17 11 0.24% 10 0.29% 22 0.21% 4 0.27%
18 10 0.21% 6 0.17% 17 0.17% 1 0.07%
19 10 0.21% 0 0.00% 17 0.16% 1 0.07%
20 10 0.21% 1 0.03% 2 0.02% 1 0.07%
21 10 0.21% 1 0.03% 2 0.02% 1 0.07%
22 10 0.21% 1 0.03% 2 0.02% 1 0.07%
23 9 0.19% 6 0.17% 16 0.15% 1 0.07%
24 9 0.19% 0 0.00% 15 0.14% 1 0.07%
25 9 0.19% 6 0.17% 12 0.12% 6 0.40%
26 9 0.19% 1 0.03% 15 0.15% 1 0.07%
27 8 0.17% 7 0.20% 13 0.13% 5 0.33%
28 8 0.17% 6 0.17% 12 0.11% 4 0.27%
29 8 0.17% 6 0.17% 14 0.14% 6 0.40%
30 8 0.17% 8 0.23% 14 0.14% 3 0.20%

Top 10 of 1168 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 444 9.51% 388 11.17% 701 6.81% 29 1.93%
2 415 8.89% 375 10.80% 659 6.40% 28 1.87%
3 389 8.33% 342 9.85% 633 6.14% 31 2.07%
4 324 6.94% 269 7.75% 511 4.96% 9 0.60%
5 15 0.32% 15 0.43% 391 3.79% 5 0.33%
6 127 2.72% 54 1.55% 327 3.17% 53 3.53%
7 1 0.02% 1 0.03% 264 2.57% 0 0.00%
8 142 3.04% 127 3.66% 227 2.20% 16 1.07%
9 2 0.04% 2 0.06% 195 1.89% 0 0.00%
10 112 2.40% 96 2.76% 182 1.76% 12 0.80%

Top 6 of 48 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 11 0.24%
2 1 0.02%
3 1 0.02%
4 1 0.02%
5 1 0.02%
6 1 0.02%

Top 15 of 44 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 898 19.23% my-tiny-bot
2 664 14.22% AhrefsBot/7.0
3 368 7.88% fidget-spinner-bot
4 355 7.60% Bytespider
5 350 7.50% thesis-research-bot
6 324 6.94% BLEXBot/1.0
7 253 5.42% Barkrowler/0.9
8 245 5.25% Mozilla/5.0
9 242 5.18% YandexBot/3.0
10 216 4.63% SemrushBot/7~bl
11 188 4.03% MJ12bot/v1.4
12 127 2.72% DotBot/1.2
13 87 1.86% PetalBot
14 62 1.33% ZoominfoBot (zoominfobot at zoominfo dot com)
15 42 0.90% bingbot/2.0

Usage by Country for November 2023

Top 13 of 13 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F Country
1 3784 81.05% 3026 87.13% 7437 72.15% Commercial (com)
2 357 7.65% 124 3.57% 1110 10.77% Unresolved/Unknown
3 273 5.85% 221 6.36% 408 3.96% European Union
4 142 3.04% 37 1.07% 543 5.27% Network (net)
5 64 1.37% 23 0.66% 129 1.25% Germany
6 37 0.79% 34 0.98% 649 6.30% Finland
7 6 0.13% 4 0.12% 12 0.11% Non-Profit (org)
8 1 0.02% 0 0.00% 2 0.02% Canada
9 1 0.02% 0 0.00% 2 0.02% Ireland
10 1 0.02% 1 0.03% 7 0.07% Netherlands
11 1 0.02% 1 0.03% 0 0.00% New Zealand
12 1 0.02% 1 0.03% 7 0.07% Poland
13 1 0.02% 1 0.03% 2 0.02% Russian Federation

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23 Saatoyhteiso B2 ry