Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 22-Oct-2024 06:25 EEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 2269
Total Files 561
Total Pages 645
Total Visits 310
Total kB Files 8355
Total Unique Sites 344
Total Unique URLs 49
Total Unique Referrers 12
Total Unique User Agents 23
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 4 465
Hits per Day 108 502
Files per Day 26 48
Pages per Day 30 63
Sites per Day 16 32
Visits per Day 14 26
kB Files per Day 398 1606
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 24.72% 561
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.04% 1
Code 404 - Not Found 75.23% 1707

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F
1 27 1.19% 14 2.50% 15 2.33% 13 4.19% 19 5.52% 33 0.40%
2 54 2.38% 34 6.06% 31 4.81% 17 5.48% 31 9.01% 63 0.75%
3 32 1.41% 9 1.60% 10 1.55% 9 2.90% 15 4.36% 46 0.55%
4 52 2.29% 32 5.70% 27 4.19% 12 3.87% 22 6.40% 64 0.76%
5 498 21.95% 11 1.96% 62 9.61% 6 1.94% 16 4.65% 1606 19.22%
6 67 2.95% 44 7.84% 50 7.75% 24 7.74% 24 6.98% 76 0.91%
7 27 1.19% 18 3.21% 13 2.02% 13 4.19% 22 6.40% 860 10.30%
8 41 1.81% 22 3.92% 21 3.26% 20 6.45% 32 9.30% 51 0.61%
9 26 1.15% 19 3.39% 17 2.64% 9 2.90% 12 3.49% 30 0.36%
10 37 1.63% 32 5.70% 26 4.03% 12 3.87% 11 3.20% 865 10.35%
11 68 3.00% 46 8.20% 44 6.82% 18 5.81% 27 7.85% 78 0.93%
12 42 1.85% 27 4.81% 27 4.19% 20 6.45% 28 8.14% 879 10.52%
13 45 1.98% 34 6.06% 31 4.81% 18 5.81% 21 6.10% 66 0.79%
14 68 3.00% 48 8.56% 39 6.05% 21 6.77% 32 9.30% 905 10.84%
15 28 1.23% 15 2.67% 15 2.33% 14 4.52% 23 6.69% 72 0.86%
16 63 2.78% 46 8.20% 47 7.29% 26 8.39% 31 9.01% 75 0.90%
17 23 1.01% 14 2.50% 9 1.40% 9 2.90% 17 4.94% 859 10.28%
18 30 1.32% 20 3.57% 17 2.64% 7 2.26% 13 3.78% 44 0.52%
19 502 22.12% 30 5.35% 63 9.77% 14 4.52% 24 6.98% 784 9.38%
20 501 22.08% 26 4.63% 59 9.15% 18 5.81% 14 4.07% 825 9.88%
21 38 1.67% 20 3.57% 22 3.41% 11 3.55% 11 3.20% 74 0.89%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1 38 1.67% 1 32 5.70% 1 31 4.81% 2 38 0.46%
1 1 22 0.97% 0 18 3.21% 0 15 2.33% 1 22 0.27%
2 1 37 1.63% 0 8 1.43% 1 22 3.41% 3 53 0.63%
3 0 18 0.79% 0 8 1.43% 0 9 1.40% 1 23 0.28%
4 3 73 3.22% 2 54 9.63% 2 53 8.22% 45 935 11.20%
5 2 49 2.16% 1 39 6.95% 1 33 5.12% 2 51 0.61%
6 23 500 22.04% 0 17 3.03% 2 51 7.91% 37 781 9.35%
7 2 58 2.56% 1 33 5.88% 1 33 5.12% 43 900 10.77%
8 1 29 1.28% 0 15 2.67% 0 13 2.02% 4 88 1.05%
9 24 505 22.26% 1 34 6.06% 3 69 10.70% 37 773 9.26%
10 1 40 1.76% 1 29 5.17% 1 26 4.03% 2 43 0.52%
11 1 34 1.50% 1 23 4.10% 1 23 3.57% 41 866 10.37%
12 1 24 1.06% 0 20 3.57% 0 18 2.79% 2 36 0.43%
13 2 42 1.85% 1 25 4.46% 1 29 4.50% 4 94 1.12%
14 2 51 2.25% 1 36 6.42% 1 32 4.96% 43 895 10.72%
15 2 45 1.98% 1 32 5.70% 1 28 4.34% 3 59 0.70%
16 2 47 2.07% 1 32 5.70% 1 26 4.03% 42 885 10.59%
17 22 476 20.98% 0 7 1.25% 2 45 6.98% 35 745 8.92%
18 0 13 0.57% 0 10 1.78% 0 7 1.09% 1 19 0.22%
19 1 33 1.45% 1 22 3.92% 0 18 2.79% 2 44 0.53%
20 1 26 1.15% 0 15 2.67% 0 13 2.02% 2 33 0.39%
21 1 38 1.67% 0 19 3.39% 0 16 2.48% 42 875 10.48%
22 1 35 1.54% 1 23 4.10% 1 24 3.72% 2 45 0.54%
23 1 36 1.59% 0 10 1.78% 0 11 1.71% 2 51 0.62%

Top 30 of 49 Total URLs
# Hits kB F URL
1 69 3.04% 64 0.76% /
2 53 2.34% 100 1.19% /pics/
3 39 1.72% 31 0.37% /layout/
4 31 1.37% 49 0.58% /cgi-bin/*
5 30 1.32% 25 0.30% /tamperekupl.html
6 20 0.88% 33 0.40% /pics/g_email.php
7 14 0.62% 13 0.16% /tamperekupl2.html
8 13 0.57% 12 0.14% /faq.html
9 12 0.53% 11 0.13% /kilpailut.html
10 12 0.53% 10 0.12% /sarjakuvapaivat.html
11 11 0.48% 9 0.11% /kirjamessut.html
12 11 0.48% 9 0.11% /kirjamessut_aikataulu.html
13 11 0.48% 10 0.11% /kirjamessut_saannot.html
14 11 0.48% 10 0.11% /lindex.html
15 11 0.48% 10 0.11% /sarjakuvapaivat_aikataulu.html
16 11 0.48% 10 0.11% /sarjakuvapaivat_ilmoittaudu.html
17 11 0.48% 9 0.11% /tamperekupl_saannot.html
18 10 0.44% 9 0.10% /animecon_aikataulu.html
19 10 0.44% 9 0.11% /animecon_ilmoittaudu.html
20 10 0.44% 9 0.11% /animecon_saannot.html
21 10 0.44% 9 0.10% /kirjamessut_ilmoittaudu.html
22 10 0.44% 9 0.10% /sarjakuvapaivat2.html
23 10 0.44% 9 0.10% /sarjakuvapaivat2_saannot.html
24 10 0.44% 9 0.10% /tamperekupl_aikataulu.html
25 10 0.44% 9 0.10% /tamperekupl_ilmoittaudu.html
26 10 0.44% 21 0.25% /texts/
27 10 0.44% 9 0.10% /tracon.html
28 10 0.44% 9 0.10% /tracon_aikataulu.html
29 10 0.44% 9 0.11% /tracon_saannot.html
30 10 0.44% 9 0.10% /yhteystiedot.html

Top 10 of 49 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F URL
1 53 2.34% 100 1.19% /pics/
2 69 3.04% 64 0.76% /
3 31 1.37% 49 0.58% /cgi-bin/*
4 1 0.04% 42 0.51% /pics/cftourlogo_200.png
5 1 0.04% 39 0.47% /pics/BAK.cftourlogo_200.png
6 20 0.88% 33 0.40% /pics/g_email.php
7 39 1.72% 31 0.37% /layout/
8 1 0.04% 27 0.33% /pics/header.png
9 30 1.32% 25 0.30% /tamperekupl.html
10 10 0.44% 21 0.25% /texts/

Top 10 of 33 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 69 3.04% 58 20.86% /
2 53 2.34% 41 14.75% /pics/
3 30 1.32% 28 10.07% /tamperekupl.html
4 39 1.72% 26 9.35% /layout/
5 14 0.62% 13 4.68% /tamperekupl2.html
6 10 0.44% 8 2.88% /texts/
7 12 0.53% 7 2.52% /kilpailut.html
8 11 0.48% 7 2.52% /kirjamessut_saannot.html
9 10 0.44% 7 2.52% /tamperekupl_aikataulu.html
10 10 0.44% 7 2.52% /tamperekupl_ilmoittaudu.html

Top 10 of 32 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 69 3.04% 57 20.50% /
2 53 2.34% 39 14.03% /pics/
3 39 1.72% 28 10.07% /layout/
4 30 1.32% 28 10.07% /tamperekupl.html
5 14 0.62% 12 4.32% /tamperekupl2.html
6 11 0.48% 9 3.24% /tamperekupl_saannot.html
7 12 0.53% 7 2.52% /kilpailut.html
8 12 0.53% 7 2.52% /sarjakuvapaivat.html
9 9 0.40% 7 2.52% /tracon_ilmoittaudu.html
10 13 0.57% 6 2.16% /faq.html

Top 30 of 344 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 462 20.36% 3 0.53% 724 8.67% 1 0.32%
2 462 20.36% 3 0.53% 724 8.67% 1 0.32%
3 462 20.36% 3 0.53% 724 8.67% 1 0.32%
4 96 4.23% 86 15.33% 2580 30.88% 38 12.26%
5 94 4.14% 78 13.90% 1754 20.99% 33 10.65%
6 92 4.05% 81 14.44% 918 10.99% 31 10.00%
7 53 2.34% 24 4.28% 160 1.92% 23 7.42%
8 39 1.72% 0 0.00% 64 0.76% 2 0.65%
9 23 1.01% 22 3.92% 22 0.26% 1 0.32%
10 18 0.79% 16 2.85% 15 0.18% 2 0.65%
11 13 0.57% 13 2.32% 11 0.13% 2 0.65%
12 12 0.53% 10 1.78% 11 0.14% 2 0.65%
13 10 0.44% 6 1.07% 11 0.13% 4 1.29%
14 9 0.40% 1 0.18% 14 0.17% 1 0.32%
15 8 0.35% 7 1.25% 7 0.09% 1 0.32%
16 7 0.31% 7 1.25% 6 0.07% 1 0.32%
17 7 0.31% 6 1.07% 6 0.08% 1 0.32%
18 6 0.26% 6 1.07% 5 0.06% 3 0.97%
19 5 0.22% 4 0.71% 5 0.06% 1 0.32%
20 5 0.22% 5 0.89% 5 0.07% 2 0.65%
21 4 0.18% 1 0.18% 6 0.07% 1 0.32%
22 4 0.18% 1 0.18% 6 0.07% 1 0.32%
23 3 0.13% 2 0.36% 3 0.04% 1 0.32%
24 3 0.13% 0 0.00% 5 0.06% 0 0.00%
25 3 0.13% 3 0.53% 2 0.03% 2 0.65%
26 3 0.13% 0 0.00% 5 0.06% 0 0.00%
27 2 0.09% 1 0.18% 2 0.03% 1 0.32%
28 2 0.09% 1 0.18% 3 0.03% 1 0.32%
29 2 0.09% 1 0.18% 3 0.03% 1 0.32%
30 2 0.09% 1 0.18% 3 0.03% 1 0.32%

Top 10 of 344 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 96 4.23% 86 15.33% 2580 30.88% 38 12.26%
2 94 4.14% 78 13.90% 1754 20.99% 33 10.65%
3 92 4.05% 81 14.44% 918 10.99% 31 10.00%
4 462 20.36% 3 0.53% 724 8.67% 1 0.32%
5 462 20.36% 3 0.53% 724 8.67% 1 0.32%
6 462 20.36% 3 0.53% 724 8.67% 1 0.32%
7 53 2.34% 24 4.28% 160 1.92% 23 7.42%
8 39 1.72% 0 0.00% 64 0.76% 2 0.65%
9 2 0.09% 2 0.36% 40 0.48% 1 0.32%
10 23 1.01% 22 3.92% 22 0.26% 1 0.32%

Top 3 of 12 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 5 0.22%
2 4 0.18%
3 2 0.09%

Top 15 of 23 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 361 15.91% Mozilla/5.0
2 93 4.10% AhrefsBot/7.0
3 73 3.22% MJ12bot/v1.4
4 67 2.95% YandexBot/3.0
5 53 2.34% DotBot/1.2
6 45 1.98% Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.31
7 29 1.28% Googlebot/2.1
8 27 1.19% GPTBot/1.0
9 22 0.97% PetalBot
10 20 0.88% Bytespider
11 18 0.79% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
12 14 0.62% Googlebot-Image/1.0
13 12 0.53% meta-externalagent/1.1 (+
14 10 0.44% MojeekBot/0.1
15 9 0.40% SemrushBot/7~bl

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 6 of 6 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F Country
1 1482 65.32% 68 12.12% 2296 27.49% Unresolved/Unknown
2 667 29.40% 434 77.36% 5877 70.34% Commercial (com)
3 45 1.98% 3 0.53% 71 0.85% European Union
4 36 1.59% 29 5.17% 34 0.41% Germany
5 33 1.45% 23 4.10% 70 0.84% Network (net)
6 6 0.26% 4 0.71% 6 0.08% Non-Profit (org)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23 Saatoyhteiso B2 ry